TNZ Mini Conference August 2024
The TomatoesNZ mini conference took place in Pukekohe (and online) 8th August 2024. This was a chance for growers and other industry interested people to come together to discuss topics that are important. The focus was seed imports and hygiene and the use of biologicals as part of an Integrated Pest Management guide, with updates from the TNZ / A Lighter Touch trials.
The presentations are available below. A copy of the recordings made during the conference are available here.
TomatoesNZ would like to thank all of the presenters for their time which they gave freely:
James Bretram from Rijk Zwaan
Cressida Patrick from NZ Seed and Grain Association
Lex Dillon on behalf of the TNZ/ALT trial
Jasper Verhoeven from Royal Brinkman
The presentations that can be shared are available on the TNZ YouTube channel here.
Some key messages are below:
We all want to keep viruses out of NZ. To do this....
Only buy seed from reputable seed companies
If you see seed for sale (online or in retailers), or you know of anyone growing crops, commercially or for their own use, that isn't from a reputable seed company, please report them to MPI or TomatoesNZ
If viruses do enter NZ, your best chance of keeping them out of your greenhouse, is by having robust hygiene practices in place. Key points are:
Handing washing before and after entering the greenhouse (for at least 30 seconds)
Keep visitors to a minimum, make sure anyone entering your greenhouse wears coveralls
Staff should have dedicated work clothes.
Leave personal possessions outside the greenhouse.
No external tomatoes to be brought on site e.g. in packed lunches
For Integrated Pest Management tips, tricks and resources, see here