May news

27 May 2024

*Contacting TomatoesNZ* My email address has permanently changed to[] please use this email address when trying to contact me to...

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January News

29 January 2024

* Tomato Potato Psyllid (TPP) * Tomato Potato Psyllid (TPP) season is upon us! Over the next few months, Tomatoes NZ...

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November 2023

13 December 2023

*Important information required by Ministry for the Environment (MfE)* Tomato growers throughout New Zealand are all eligible to claim industrial allocation,...

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October News

19 October 2023

*Whitefly IPM Workshop* Growers gathered online and in person at this popular workshop on managing whitefly in greenhouse tomatoes using an...

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July 2023 News

26 September 2023

*Learnings from the Protecting Cropping Australia conference | Brisbane* I was very fortunate to go to the PCA conference in Brisbane...

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